As I write this post, I am feeling somewhat of a vandal. I bought an almost unused and unknown Italian machine via Trademe. As it was described as a pod machine and being sold a few days before Christmas, it went very cheaply - NZ$100. I happen to know this is actually a very expensive machine to buy new, I had seen it in the flesh previously so to speak. This is the model intended for small office use so it does not steam, only makes hot water (yep a bit odd imo).
So, why did I buy yet another machine? Well, on close inspection of the auction photo (included below) it clearly had the same portafilter as a Le'lit and La Pavoni Espresso machine. Therefore by deduction it also had a Quaha boiler and as the portafilter is a standard basket type, it would be useable on the X1/X3. I would have paid NZ$100 for a brand new portafilter - so this was a good deal for parts. Now I wasn't 100% certain and did not have the chance to check it out before bidding, so it was a bit of a punt. It was doubly a punt, as the X1 was originally a 52mm group, and I had no idea if the 57mm group would fit. If the punt didn't pay off, in the worst case I could modify the Tecnosystem machine to steam and sell it on...
Now, the reason I feel like a vandal should be obvious. It is almost brand new and really is top quality. My punt on the boiler, portafilter etc. paid off, as its a 57mm Quaha unit - and the portafilter (PF) has a 3/8 thread, just like the proper grown up ones. That means I can fit standard spouts and a pressure guage to the PF which I couldn't with the Asasco PF - I still haven't been able to work out the thread on that one...
The Tecnosystem machine is better made with better components than the FF! X1 or X3. Problem is,... the strange pods it takes and the lack of steaming ability. I would have to modify it to produce steam for home use - and it still would be an unknown and under-appreciated brand were I to resell it. Next photo is of the insides, and as you can see, it really is top notch - including a brass ULKA pump in place of the usual plastic ones. So as far as parts are concerned: NZ$100 for the portafilter, spout and basket; NZ$ 150-200+ for a complete brass Boiler; NZ$ 75+ for a steam wand, $NZ 75+ for a normal ULKA pump, who knows how much more for a brass one. So as you can see, it is worth much more as parts than the NZ$100 I paid for it. Sad. Really - but its not worth being silly about these things. So the insides. It was a real and rather pleasant surprise to open it and see this level of build and component quality.
And I keep getting lucky. The original perforated X1 aluminum boiler assembly, including 52mm retaining ring (underneath to hold the PF), and....
And.... I don't even need to buy a new group head seal - the teflon one from the smaller 52mm X1 fits perfectly! I will have a look at a La Pavoni soon and see if the gasket fills the entire space. I imagine it does, but this one seals the PF easily. I have put the Gaggia screen on to check for fit.