Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pits, Wormholes and Handedness.

Mmmm double espresso this morning before work - lovely. I am getting used to this :D

My comments on the 5th of November about the 4 pits I noticed in the top of the puck - seems it happens to other machines with this boiler/grouphead configuration. Also the solution is the same, the extra brass distribution disk. So, in summary, its a combination of fine grains and the design - easily fixed though.

Also, coming back to an earlier comment I made about the cup material slightly effecting the taste... Well it isn't that at all. The coffee coming out of my left spout is a shade sweeter, the coffee coming out of my right spout is a shade bitterer. This is consistent. It is magnificently tasty in both cases. So why the difference, my bet is that it could be due to the placement of the wormholes as noted above. It might also be due to my distribution technique, but I doubt that.


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